Student Solution


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Week 8 Discussion United States History

Week 8 Discussion United States History

Q After reading the articles below, would you say the changes in psychologists' DSM III and in American culture were data-driven changes based on scientific studies or not? How would Kinsey and Ronald Gold be depicted today in the era of #MeToo, when predators are outed for bullying others into accepting their sexual behaviours? Would Kinsey and Gold be portrayed as the victims or the perpetrators?

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It can be said that Alfred Kinsey was seen to provide a very controversial and problematic situations in many different ways. It can be said for thousands of people he was seen to be highly relished. He tried to do a lot for the gay community and also tried to focus on the sexual revelation in many different sections. The things he tried to take stand for were kept much secret by people for the entire lifetime as it was viewed to be very shameful and immoral.